Policy Statement
Melati Ehsan Holdings Berhad (“Melati” or “the Company”) is committed to maintain and achieve a high standard of corporate governance, business integrity and its code of conduct. Recognising the above interest, Melati provides avenue to employees and stakeholders (shareholders, customer and suppliers) to whistle blow any violation of these principles.

The policy is applicable to all companies within the Melati Group.

Objectives of the Policy
The objectives of the policy are as follows:-

  • Establishes the rules, procedures and avenue for employees and stakeholders to report/raise/whistle blow a genuine concern or allegation through the appropriate channel upon discovery of possible misconduct; and
  • Provides protection to an individual who has raised or reported the concern or allegation (“the whistleblower”).

Scope of the Policy
This policy is designed to facilitate the whistleblower to disclose any concern or allegation through internal channel. Such concern not only covers improprieties in matters of financial reporting but also violation of the code of conduct, i.e.:-

  • Fraud;
  • Corruption, bribery or blackmail;
  • Criminal offences;
  • Failure to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation;
  • Miscarriage of justice;
  • Conflict of interest;
  • Sexual harassment;
  • Misuse of confidential information; and
  • Concealment of any or a combination of the above.

The principles underpinning the policy are as follows:-

  • All concerns raised will be treated confidentially;
  • The Company will not tolerate harassment or victimization of whistleblowers;
  • The identity of the whistleblowers will remain anonymous;
  • The Company will keep the whistleblowers informed of the investigators handling the matter and its status; and
  • The Company protects the whistleblowers and any persons related or associated with the whistleblowers are protected against any detrimental action in reprisal for whistle blowing improper conducts.  The Company, however, would not extend this protection to someone who maliciously raises a matter he/she knows is untrue.

Whistleblowing Channel
The whistleblower acting in good faith and with reasonable belief can report or raise a genuine concern through the established channels. The concern may be reported or raised to the line manager (for employees) or directly to the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director as follows:-

Name      : Datuk Alias Bin Ali
E-mail     : whistleblower@melatiehsan.com.my
Attention : Senior Independent Non-Executive Director

Any anonymous whistleblower will not be entertained. Any whistleblower is required to disclose his identity to the Company in order for the Company to accord the necessary protection to him. However, the Company reserves its right to investigate into any anonymous disclosure.

Any report should also based on good faith with a reasonable belief that the information and any allegations in it, are sustainably true and not acting for personal gain.  

All reports will be investigated within 14 days. If required, assistance from other resources within and outside the Group will be sought.

Upon completion of investigation, the findings and the appropriate course of action will be reported to the Audit Committee for their deliberation.  Thereafter, the Audit Committee shall take the following actions:

  • Inform the whistleblowers the status of the findings;
  • Initiate disciplinary action against any persons who has committed improper conducts;
  • Make a police report where the improper conduct constitutes a criminal offence; and
  • Recommend steps be implemented to prevent similar situation from repeating in the future.

The identity of whistleblower will be kept confidential at all times.

Melati reserves the right to amend this policy from time to time.